PEXA Electronic Conveyancing: What Do I Need to Know?

PEXA in South Australia

Over the past decade, the practice of buying or selling property has gone through some serious changes, meaning first-time home buyers and vendors have had to regularly brush up on their knowledge. The largest innovation has been the introduction and eventual mandating of electronic conveyancing.

What Are Your Rights? Form 1 and the Cooling Off Period

What is the cooling off period for homebuyers in South Australia?

Whether you’re buying or selling, understanding how to use a Form 1 to your advantage during the cooling off period of a contract is critical to a successful purchase or sale. Read on to learn more about your cooling of period in South Australia.

7 Hidden Costs in Buying Your First Home in 2022

Hidden costs of buying your first home

If you’ve just started saving money, or if you’ve already got the savings to put down a deposit for your first house, great work! But the loan for a new home isn’t the only cost on the horizon. Read on to find out 7 hidden cost to look out for!

Have You Set Your Property Investment Goals For 2022?


With a new year in front of us, whether you’re looking to own your first property or you want to expand your property investment portfolio, now’s the perfect time to reflect on and update your goals.

But where do you start?